20 February 2025

I'm running for the OSI board... maybe

The Open Source Initiative has two classes of board seats: Affiliate seats, and Individual Member seats. 

In the upcoming election, each affiliate can nominate a candidate, and each affiliate can cast a vote for the Affiliate candidates, but there's only 1 Affiliate seat available. I initially expressed interest in being nominated as an Affiliate candidate via Debian. But since Bradley Kuhn is also running for an Affiliate seat with a similar platform to me, especially with regards to the OSAID, I decided to run as part of an aligned "ticket" as an Individual Member to avoid contention for the 1 Affiliate seat.

Bradley and I discussed running on a similar ticket around 8/9pm Pacific, and I submitted my candidacy around 9pm PT on 17 February. 

I was dismayed when I received the following mail from Nick Vidal:

Dear Luke,

Thank you for your interest in the OSI Board of Directors election. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept your application as it was submitted after the official deadline of Monday Feb 17 at 11:59 pm UTC. To ensure a fair process, we must adhere to the deadline for all candidates.

We appreciate your enthusiasm and encourage you to stay engaged with OSI’s mission. We hope you’ll consider applying in the future or contributing in other meaningful ways.

Best regards,
OSI Election Teams

Nowhere on the "OSI’s board of directors in 2025: details about the elections" page do they list a timezone for closure of nominations; they simply list Monday 17 February. 

The OSI's contact address is in California, so it seems arbitrary and capricious to retroactively define all of these processes as being governed by UTC.

I was not able to participate in the "potential board director" info sessions accordingly, but people who attended heard that the importance of accommodating differing TZ's was discussed during the info session, and that OSI representatives mentioned they try to accommodate TZ's of everyone. This seems in sharp contrast with the above policy. 

I urge the OSI to reconsider this policy and allow me to stand for an Individual seat in the current cycle. 

Upd, N.B.: to people writing about this, I use they/them pronouns


  1. Hello Luke from your *OLD* high school teacher. Great to see you considering running for the OSI board. Sorry to hear about their mess up with the registration deadline. Keep at it!
